OneNote Tagging Kit Add-In

A free to-use, add-in to add page tagging and advanced search for OneNote (Desktop). The add-in is Open Source and hosted hosted on GitHub.


Feature Overview

Version specific features are covered in the release specific documentation of the add-in.

About Tagging

The Use of Tags briefly outlines the concept behind tags for information management.

Some thoughts about the use of Page Tags to organize notes in OneNote can be found in Organizing Notes with Page Tags.

Getting Started

Before installing make sure to read the release specific installation instructions of the version you are planning to install. This will help you to understand the system requrements and pick the best installation option for the the Tagging Kit.

The Tagging Kit dialogs show tooltips for most user interface elements on hovering the mouse over them. So, you can fly by the seat of your pants and explore the usage of the tagging kit as you go. Nevertheless, it might also be useful to take a look at the documentation 😉.


v5.1 Documentation - Installation - Release Notes
v5.0 Documentation - Installation - Release Notes
v4.0 Documentation - Installation - Release Notes