
🔖 Synopsis

Verify that relative links to files and images exist in a Markdown source tree.


 Test-LocalSiteLinks -Path <String>  [<CommonParameters>] 


Scans a directory tree for Markdown files and Build.json files. Relative links found in these files are checked. Broken links are reported. Link checking is not restricted to files in a static site project generated by New-StaticHTMLSiteProject, though that is most likely its primary use.


-Path <String>

Path to the root of a directory tree containing Markdown sources. Typically this is the sources directory configured in Build.json by markdown_dir. See Static Site Project Customization for more information.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? true


None. This function does not read anything from the pipe.


Error objects having the following properties:

Property Description
File Path to file containing the proken link.
Line Line number or config option containing the error.
Link The broken link or navigation specification (for Build.jdon files).
Error Description of the error



Test-LocalSiteLinks -Path E:\lab\...\markdown

Generate a report for broken relative links in Markdown files and Build.json files found under the E:\lab\...\markdown directory tree.

The broken links report looks similar to this:

File                                              Line Link                      Error
----                                              ---- ----                      -----
E:\lab\...\Settings\Manage Settings.md               5 images/RibbonSetting1.png File not found
E:\lab\...\Settings\Manage Settings.md              14 Tabs/About Tab.md         Malformed url
E:\lab\...\Settings\Build.json         site_navigation {"Options": "Tabs1"}     File not found

The output above shows the theww types of error that are currently recognized:

  1. The file RibbonSetting1.png is not found in the images directory next to file Manage Settings.md
  2. The link Tabs/About Tab.md is malformed because urls cannot contain spaces. The link needs to be URL encoded. The correct way ro write this url is: Tabs/About%20Tab.md
  3. A navigation specification with label Options in the site_navigation section of the reported Build.json file points to the non-existing file or directory Tabs1


Test-LocalSiteLinks -Path E:\lab\...\markdown | Out-GridView

Generates a report for broken relative links in Markdown files and Build.json files found under the E:\lab\...\markdown directory tree and opens a dialog window to display the errors.

Related Links

Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.8.0; (c) 2018-2024 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.