
🔖 Synopsis

Create a customizable Markdown to HTML site conversion project.


 New-StaticHTMLSiteProject -ProjectDirectory <String>  [<CommonParameters>] 


Create a new static HTML site project directoy with some default content ready for building.

A single markdown file ( is provided as initial content. It explains some customization options and the typical site authoring process. It is recommended to build the project by executing its build script Build.ps1. This creates the initial static HTML site with the HTML version of the README (docs/README.html) which is more pleasant to read also showcases some features.

See Project Customization for details about the project directory structure and site customization.


-ProjectDirectory <String>

The location of the new Markdown to HTML site conversion project.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false




The new project directory object [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]


Upgrading Static Site Projects

Upgrades to the MarkdownToHtml module usually come with an updated factory template and sometimes also with an updated project build scripts (Build.ps1) and project configurations (Build.json).

Unless you want to take advantage of the new template resources and build files or there is a Known Incompatibility, no action is needed.

☝️ A convenient way to upgrade an existing static site project is described below:

  1. Use New-StaticHTMLSiteProject to create a temporary static site project:
    PS> New-HTMLTemplate -Destination 'TempProject'
  2. Replace all resources in Template directory of tje static site project you want to update with the resources from TempProject\Template. Do not overwite template files you migh have customized. Candidates are Template\md-template.html and Template\styles\md-styles.css
  3. Merge changes to following files using your favorite merge tool:
    • TempProject\Template\md-template.html
    • TempProject\Template\styles\md-styles.css
    • TempProject\Build.json
    • TempProject\Build.ps1



New-StaticHTMLSiteProject -ProjectDirectory MyProject

Create a new conversion project names 'MyProject' in the current directory. The project is ready for build.

Related Links

Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.8.0; (c) 2018-2024 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.