
Convert Markdown text to HTML fragments.


 Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment [-InputObject] <Object> [-IncludeExtension] <String[]> [-ExcludeExtension] <String[]> [-Split] <object>  [<CommonParameters>] 


Converts Markdown text to HTML fragments using configured Markdown extensions.


-InputObject <Object>

The input object can have one of the following types:

  • An annotated [System.IO.FileInfo] object as emitted by Find-MarkdownFiles.

  • A plain markdown string [string].

  • A markdown descriptor object which is a [hashtable] with following contents:

    Key Value Type Description
    Markdown [string] The markdown text.
    RelativePath [string] Relative path of the Markdown file below the input directory.
    EffectiveConfiguration [PSCustomObject] Optional: Build configuration in effect for this fragment

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters? false

-IncludeExtension <String[]>

Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extension names. See Markdown extensions for an annotated list of supported extensions.

Parameter Property Value
Required? false
Position? 2
Default value @('advanced')
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

-ExcludeExtension <String[]>

Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extensions to exclude. Mostly used when the the 'advanced' parsing option is included and certain individual options need to be removed.

Parameter Property Value
Required? false
Position? 3
Default value @()
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

-Split <SwitchParameter>

Split the Html fragment into an Array where each tag is in a separate slot. This somewhat simplifies Html fragment post-processing.

For example the fragment

<pre><code class="language-PowerShell">PS&gt; Install-Module -Name MarkdownToHTML</pre></code>

is split up into the array

Index Value
0 <pre>
1 <code class="language-PowerShell">
2 PS&gt; Install-Module -Name MarkdownToHTML
3 </pre>
4 </code>

Parameter Property Value
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


Markdown text [string], Markdown file [System.IO.FileInfo], or a markdown descriptor [hashtable].


HTML fragment object with following properties:

Property Description
Title Optional page title. The first heading in the Markdown content.
HtmlFragment The HTML fragment string or array generated from the Markdown text.
RelativePath Passed through from the input object, provided it exists.
EffectiveConfiguration Passed through from the input object, provided it exists.


The conversion to HTML fragments also includes:

  • Changing links to Markdown files to the corresponding Html files.

    [Hello World](


    <a href="Hello.html">
  • HTML encoding code blocks:



    <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;root&gt;

    which renders as




Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -Markdown '# Hello World'

Returns the HTML fragment object:

Name               Value
----               -----
HtmlFragment       <h1 id="hello-world">Hello World</h1>...
Title              Hello World


Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -Markdown '# Hello World' -Split

Returns the HTML fragment object:

Name               Value
----               -----
HtmlFragment       {<h1 id="hello-world">,Hello World,</h1>,...}
Title              Hello World


Get-Item -LiteralPath "" | Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment

Reads the content of Markdown file and returns a Html fragment object.

Name               Value
----               -----
Title              Convert-MarkdownToHTML
HtmlFragment       <h1 id="convert-Markdowntohtml">Convert-MarkdownToHTML</h1>...

Related Links

Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.7.1; (c) 2018-2022 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.