
Create a customizable template directory for building HTML files from Markdown files.


 New-HTMLTemplate [-Destination] <String>  [<CommonParameters>] 


The factory-default conversion template is copied to the destination directory to seed the customization process. The new template directory contains the resources necesssary to generate fully functional, standalone HTML files.

See Conversion Template Customization for ways to customize the template.


-Destination <String>

Location of the new conversion template directory. The template directory should be empty or non-existent.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false


This function does not read from the pipe.


The new conversion template directory [System.IO.DirectoryInfo].


Updating Custom Conversion Templates

Updates to the MarkdownToHtml module usually come with an updated factory template. Unless you want to take advantage of the new template resources or there is a known incompatibility, no action is needed.

☝️ A convenient way to upgrade a custom template is to perform the steps below:

  1. Use New-HTMLTemplate to create a temporary custom template:
    PS> New-HTMLTemplate -Destination 'TempTemplate'
  2. Replace all resources in the custom template you want to update with the resources from TempTemplate. Do not overwite template files you migh have customized. Candidates are Template/md-template.html and Template\styles\md-styles.css
  3. Merge changes to Template/md-template.html and Template\styles\md-styles.css using your favorite merge tool.



New-HTMLTemplate -Destination 'E:\MyTemplate'

Create a copy of the factory template in E:\MyTemplate for customization.

Related Links

Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.7.1; (c) 2018-2022 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.