
🔖 Synopsis

Find all Markdown file below a given directory.


 Find-MarkdownFiles -Path <String> [-Exclude <String[]>] [-BuildConfiguration <PSObject>]  [<CommonParameters>] 


Recursively scans a directory and generates annotated [System.IO.FileInfo] objects for each Markdown file.

The annotations are of type NoteProperty. They are used in the downstream conversion process to determine the relative path of a markdown file (property RelativePath) and the build configuration in effect for the Markdown file (property EffectiveConfiguration).


-Path <String>

Path to a directory containing Markdown files.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? true

-Exclude <String[]>

Omit the specified files. A comma separated list of path elements or patterns, such as "D*.md". Wildcards are permitted.

Parameter Property Value
Required? false
Position? 2
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

-BuildConfiguration <PSObject>

Build configuration object. Usually obtained by reading a Build.json configuration file. See the Static Site for details about configuration options and structure. This configuration is cascaded with configurations from Build.json files found at or above the location of the Markdown file.

Parameter Property Value
Required? false
Position? 3
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false




An [System.IO.FileInfo] object for each Markdown file found below the given directory. The emitted [System.IO.FileInfo] objects are annotated with properties of type NoteProperty:

Specifies the relative path of the Markdown file below the directory specified in the Path parameter. The RelativePath property is mandatory if Publish-StaticHtmlSite is used in the downstream conversion pipeline to generate HTML files in the correct locations.
An object similar to the one specified in parameter -BuildConfiguration. Describes the build configuration in effect at the location of the Markdown file. The effective configuration is determined by cascading all Build.json files in at and above the location of the Markdown file.



Find-MarkdownFiles -Path '...\Modules\MarkdownToHtml' | Select-Object -Property Mode,LastWriteTime,Length,Name,RelativePath | Format-Table

Returns following annotated Markdown file objects of type [System.IO.FileInfo] for this PowerShell module:

LastWriteTime        Length Name                       RelativePath
-------------        ------ ----                       ------------
13.09.2019 13:56:21  10751  Documentation\
13.09.2019 13:56:20   3348          Documentation\
13.09.2019 13:56:21   7193        Documentation\
11.09.2019 17:01:13   4455                  ReferenceData\katex\
...                   ...   ...                        ...

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Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.8.0; (c) 2018-2024 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.