
🔖 Synopsis

Expand directory link targets one level to links to contained markdown files.


 Expand-DirectoryNavigation -LiteralPath <String> -NavSpec <Object>  [<CommonParameters>] 


Scans a collection of navigation links for link targets pointing to directories and inserts links to all directly contained markdown files.


-LiteralPath <String>

Absolute path to the directory the navigation itens are relative to. Usually this is the path to the directory containing the Build.json file the navigation items are from or the directory configured by markdown_dir if the navigation items are from the top-level Build.json file.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false

The specification of a single navigation item as specified in ConvertTo-NavigationItem.

Parameter Property Value
Required? true
Position? 2
Default value ``
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters? false


Specifications of navigation items as specified in ConvertTo-NavigationItem.


Specification of navigation items as specified in ConvertTo-NavigationItem where all links to directories are replaced by links to the directory contents (one level).



@{'My Directory' = 'foo'} | Expand-DirectoryNavigation -LiteralPath e:\stuff

Expands the directory foo which is a subdirectory of e:\stuff. Assuming the following directory structure and content:

Diagram 1.

where bar.md and baz.md are two markdown files.

This expands to:

@{'My Directory' = ""} # <- label
@{'bar' = "foo/bar.md"} # <- link
@{'baz' = "foo/baz.md"} # <- link

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Module: MarkDownToHTML; Version: 2.8.0; (c) 2018-2024 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.